Dave Case’s Page of scholarly Publications


This page is under construction.


This page contains copies of scholarly things that I wrote or am in the process of writing.  I also keep and digitize much of my public domain source material, which you can find here.


Most works are in .pdf format.  You can download a copy of the free reader here.


By popular demand, copies of public domain sources that I used are now available here.


Rights Everything that has been published is subject to various copyright restrictions.  I will only post it here if my contract with the publisher allows me to do so.  If you want to make copies if it, please email me and I will provide you with the terms by which the publisher may grant you rights to do so.  Alternatively, you may contact the publisher who may be able to provide you with nicely printed back-issues.


I post works in progress here to get constructive comments.  If your comments are particularly constructive you will get acknowledged.  Keep in mind these works might be in various stages of proofing, and there might be some errors.  I take a big risk in posting them here, because people tend to hold rough drafts against people they don’t like.  You may download and print the documents for your own reading.  If you wish, I will provide you with my fax number if you want to fax me some comments.  You may not, however, distribute any unpublished work with the exception of agents (such as secretaries or research associates) printing these files for their supervisors.  This means that you can’t take my unpublished work and distribute them at your bar association meetings or to your class.  However, if you happen to be researching a question for your boss (such as a lawyer, professor, or judge) you may feel free to print this stuff out and give it to them, but that is about it.

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Email: d@caQQQse.tm (remove the “QQQ” so as to foil the spambots)

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Sites I recently found useful.